
Thursday, 10 March 2016

AzanDaniyal turns 5months!

Alhamdulillah Daniyal turns 5 months old today.
The past month we had a little family gatherings on Aa's side. Finally managed to take picture of the 4th generation together.
And also last month was a lot of beach trips for Daniyal. Aa loves the beach! We were at the beach almost every weekend. Daniyal even had a playdate with my friend's daughter, Qisya.
And another highlight would be: I turn 23 last week! Aa was not around to celebrate it, but atleast I have my girlfriends and Daniyal here with me.
May this be the last birthday I had to celebrate without Aa. And may I have many more sweet little surprise like this. Aamiin.
4th gen - Affan, Ezra, Daniyal
Daniyal's playdate, Qisya