
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

AzanDaniyal turns 10months!

Alhamdulillah another month went by.
And lastmonth was Daniyal's first Eid!
It was a really really eventful month. With all the raya visiting, open houses, family picnics and gatherings. Oh my. It was a blast! I'll share those bits in another post because there were so many pictures!
And my baby brothers, which are Daniyal's titos (uncles in tagalog) were finally here last week! They havent spend time together for like 8 months!
With all the terrible things that my baby brothers had went through in Philippines for the past 3 months, I am so glad to see that they're finally here. Away from those bastards, those nightmares. Alhamdulillah.
Anyway, my mom and the two little ones had fun during their stay here in Miri for the weekend. They only spent 3 days here and then they are back to Labuan again. Daniyal had so much fun spending time with them. He was constantly laughing and hyper my God my mom spoilt him so much.

Oh and Daniyal is becoming so talkative lately I think he's in the process of learning to talk. And he no longer stay still whenever we're out. He constantly wants to walk, even when he is still in his L licence in the walking course.
Give it another month then I think he'll walk around the malls like a drunk penguin.
Another 2 more months and Daniyal is turning 1. Oh baby, don't grow so fast please?

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